While on my journey in life I've been through some rough bumps,hard roads,loss of family members & many many more ups & downs in my life.I never wished anyone bad but always wished them the best.Why? Because when your in the realm of trying to do right despite the odds against you in the end you will over come.Your heart releases the energy you have internally in your daily actions towards yourself & others.What you put out into the universe eventually comes back to you weather good or badd.That's why you have to always purify your heart.Jesus said "Bless those who curse you & Love those who hate you".When your on a path always working on bettering yourself & circumstances you must work on having a pure heart.That will be your strength to take you to the other side of your opposition.Remain true to yourself at all times cause if you live a lie your life will never be complete.How can a lie be greater than the truth.Reality is real not a dream or a lie,its real!Live life to the fullest with a pure heart.Enjoy!!
Introducing the new Hybrid Tahoe
It's been a long time but the 2009 Hybrid Tahoes are here and rolling on
the streets. Honestly, I've only seen the Hybrid Yukons on the road. 2 to
be exac...
16 years ago