His name is Nomar R. Rosa but his Director name is NRR.Not only has he had a love for Films,its actually sort of weird but he also has a love for the culinary Arts because of Film.At about 11 or 12 when he first saw the film Mrs. Doubtfir the film was very funny and entertaining & he didn't know why but the scenes where he prepared the take out food on the table and the scene where they are having dinner with the "new boyfriend" at the restaurant,made him love culinary arts.It is something he'll never forget.Since he was a child he has had a love for Film, but it wasn't until senior year in high school that he realized he was very good at telling really good compelling stories.Not very good at writing but knew he had a creative mind for sure.It wasn't until he was 20 when he had his first hand held and actually filmed a short called "Nightmare on 1422".It was an original story with a very similar idea from the film "The Grudge" which u can view on his website.About a year later on his 21st birthday he was given a Canon XHA1 as a gift and its been an exciting adventure ever since.Following with 3 Music Videos and about 3 Promo Videos under his Direction & Production,he also has filmed an Improvisational Film called Transformed S:Dream Into Reality Based on the film Transformers."Film making is something I love to do and something I have taught myself".With no Film School experience or any Film production experience.Everything he has done has been on his own with a few friends.He believes a Film education makes you a great Filmmaker,if you have a passion for it and can be creative.
His goal right now for the next 2 years is to work extensively with underground artists and along the way begin working with signed artists and begin to make a name for himself.With plans on putting together a short film this year that is based on the Batman Character "The Joker" he's hoping to begin filming early spring to summer with a release date at the end of this year.Its a serious short film and his intention is to have his work noticed!Its going to be a full production with the hopes to start filming soon.
His goal for the next 10 years is to become successful.Not Rich,but successful in doing what he loves!"Now Like i said before I am very good with telling compelling stories and I have one true story that I'm sure when it is filmed will make headlines with the Academy.I'm sure I will be able to grab an Academy award by the time 2020 rolls in and that is a promise!You can also view more of his work on his website www.Seventhwire.com.A young film maker that will inspire many in the Industry with the same tools all the great film makers have in common.No formal Film school education just pure natural talent.Look out for the Director N.R.R.!This is who he is!