My friend actor Christopher Stadulis Just booked a role on a new TV series! http://www.christopherstadulis.com/.Here's the correct link to watch the preview of "KINGS" http://www.nbc.com/Kings/video/clips/kings/853801/. I am so happy for him that I had to share his story with the Acting community. Here is a man who has credits on IMDB which for all of you who don't know that is like the bible for the acting world ladies & gentleman. Internet Movie Data Base! This is where they look for credits of your work. Yes, this is where we strive to reach to open doors to show your talent and book yourself to success.
I'm writing this to show how a Review from the mind of an Actor/Director! read the rest to understand where you can reach if you put your soul into it. Thanks Christopher for showing us the way to go out & Book Your Role! True words spoken. Plus you must attend his networking events for Actors, Directors, Writers, Producers & Casting Directors because he gives you the opportunity to find work & create it. I'll see you there for live one on ones!!!!
I'm writing this to show how a Review from the mind of an Actor/Director! read the rest to understand where you can reach if you put your soul into it. Thanks Christopher for showing us the way to go out & Book Your Role! True words spoken. Plus you must attend his networking events for Actors, Directors, Writers, Producers & Casting Directors because he gives you the opportunity to find work & create it. I'll see you there for live one on ones!!!!
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