Well as we hosted our fundraiser party for our feature film a lot of professionals attended & I was obligated to write about many of them that were open for it & appreciated that I would write about our experiences that night.CPA & Financial Advisor Rebecca Goodman & Josephti Cruz Gonda were very inspiring with the fact that their crafts dealt with finances.Rebecca Goodman is CPA,operator & owner of Luca's Ledger.On her website she educates us to why her company is named as such, "modern day accounting methods own their heritage to 16th century modern monk named Luca Pacioli.He popularized the ledger system still in use today".Visit her website to view for yourself the accomplishments that lead her to where she is today & still going at www.lucasledger.com.Josephti Cruz Gonda is a Financial Advisor at MorganStanly SmithBarney in NYC.She's shown her ability to perform in every aspect of financial services.Josephti was a relationship manager for a $3.4B retirement plan.So she shows her devotion to who she serves with advice on all levels of your personal life from your family to your retirement.You can also go on to her website at fa.smithbarney.com/josephticruzgonda/.I was inspired to write about these two woman who showed so much passion on a personal level that I know I've acquired great new friends.
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